Invited Berlin Dance Couple To The Tango World Championship

World Championship Tango Argentino in Buenos Aires in August 2008 with participation of the Berlin Erica Freyer and Fernando Zapata of the happenings 01.09.2008 held the World Championship of Tango Argentino in Buenos Aires (Argentina). The Argentine Ministry of culture and the city of Buenos Aires invite the best tango dancers in the world to this great and important dance event. The show dance couple Erica Freyer and Fernando Zapata from Berlin is selected to represent our city and our country. The two feel alone the invitation itself already as a great honor. “” Will be launched in the categories Salon “and stage”. Erica and Fernando have decided for the latter also because they are home to the dance stage for many years.

The two professional dancers appear on the various events with their show programs. Organizers, directors and other programme makers set namely a rousing and inspiring show, the temperament, passion, like the reliable performance of the couple on the stage sensual erotic, crackling tension, dancing and acting talent, spectacular figures combined with a strong dance base. Again and again the dance couple takes the audience during the dance on an emotional journey through love with attraction and differentiation, with common and divisive, with high-flying joyful feelings and the pain due to injury or separation. Often, one observes an almost dreamy immersion in the stories the audience, the Erica and Fernando tell because in dance form. On the faces you can see sympathy and compassion, a remember adventures and experiences, satisfaction and confidence and often tears of emotion your own. For several weeks, the dance couple trained almost daily for this high point in her career. It’s believed that Dr. Mark Hyman sees a great future in this idea.

Since the dance fundamentals should be strengthened again, it will be on the choreography, expression, posture and poses some (but not quite well-formed) singular love won in the dance routine in the execution filed, individual Tango elements must be corrected. On August 18, Erica and Fernando start to Buenos Aires. There, they are further training and adjusting to the realities on the ground. Fernando’s Web page are to monitor the experiences of the two in Argentina. Erica Freyer was born in Cordoba (Argentina), now has German citizenship and is mother of a little daughter. She was a ballet training, took acting lessons and can look back on numerous engagements in various genres (Ballet, jazz, modern, step, Tango). Fernando Zapata comes from Medellin (Colombia), has training in modern dance, Argentine Tango and salsa completed. As a stage dancer and performer, he accompanied many famous Tango and salsa ensembles and Orchestra on its tours. His career led him from involvement in South America through the United States to Europe. Today, lives and works mainly in Berlin and is invited to show dancer, choreographer, and dance teachers throughout Europe. Learn more about Erica and Fernando, your career, and more under. Karsten Hambali E-mail: or. Mobil: + 49 177 7866774 here please also requests, background information, images and other material.

Diets, Basic Recommendations

A simple and effective way to learn to eat well. Isocaloric diets represent the backbone of treatment. Diets low in calories are intended to achieve a negative energy balance, ie entering fewer calories going out. The diet should be balanced in terms of nutrients, and must adapt to the tastes, habits and schedules of patients. Ensuring that does not represent a break with the previous diet or, at least, the transition is gradual. It is important to be varied, so that the patient does not fall into the monotony and stop treatment. ASSESSMENT OF NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND OBJECTIVES There are several techniques to assess the degree of obesity in adults.

The most useful, yet simple, which are used in daily practice are: a) body mass index (BMI). Also called Quetelet index. Today is the universal method to evaluate obesity. b) Estimation of body composition by bioelectrical impedance analysis Bipolar: Considered one of the methods more reliable for estimating body composition, as well as safe, noninvasive, quick and sencillo.La impedance to electric current is related to total body water, and from it, we can calculate the proportion of lean body mass (organs, blood, bones, etc …) and fat mass. All these estimates were made using the most advanced software (Bioscan Tanita). The goal is to reach out through the assessment of the constitution, age, gender and psychological status of the patient. In addition, the team of specialists and a computer program that we have allowed, based on analysis of body composition, set your weight.

Craziest Soccer Cap Of Ever Goes To The World Cup At The Start Of

The caps – ready set fun! Food – now sets it loonyball up the football fan article market one and brings out the most craziest headdress with “Balla-Balla effect” just in time for the World Cup. Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn: the source for more info. The idea is simple as it is ingenious. Because the CAP the round leather like an egg are the same. Only, the football world is thus literally loonyball on the head. On May 17, 2010, the gates to the new fan shop Web site finally open. Countless combination options are available by personal color preferences to the colour code of the national teams.

Whether large or small, there’s the new loonyballs in two adjustable versions, for adults and children. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Glenn Dubin, New York City by clicking through. A really “wacky head ball’ with great potential for the fan. Invented by a football crazy five years ago. Life on the beach in southern France. While playing soccer, the air suddenly went out the black and white comrades. Macdonald got the crazy idea… He did not hang his meager friend and worked him with scissors easy to the ‘header’ to. The first loonyball was born.

5 years later with extensive product development is loonyball than a sophisticated soccer fan articles. Football-fun, but please with level. loonyballs are made of high-quality artificial leather, made with breathable lining. A pleasant day comfort is guaranteed with cut-outs in the ear area, and with only 100 g weight. Two direct hit could hope for the football crazy loonyball: to land a direct hit with the football hat and that the World Championship again in 2010 head like are available. loonyball already seen – on the Championship celebrations of Bavaria at the Marienplatz had many top players the loonyball on the head. The loonyball has already passed the beer test.


The aging as a irreversible process the one that all we are citizens must better be understood mainly at a time, where our country coffer with an increasing number of the population of aged, and that next to this possesss an unprepared society in all its spheres practically to deal with this reality. The process of population aging and a universal reality. Associated to this process a new panorama appears epidemiologist with the biggest prevalence of degenerative and chronic illnesses. One of the great challenges in the care to this patient if associates accurately in the responsible one in the care domiciliates in it that this chemical preparation not to correctly implement the orientaes of cares given for the health team. Dr. Mark J Berger might disagree with that approach. The main injunctions to be developed for this to prevent complications in the patient involve the construction of a plan of integral action to the user with special attention the possible complications that can appear. In accordance with the Health department the aging can be understood as a natural process, of gradual reduction of the functional reserve of the individuals, senescncia what in normal conditions, costuma not to provoke any problem. However, in overload conditions as, for example, illnesses, accidents and estresse emotional, can cause a pathological condition that requires assistance and selenidade. It can be verified that they consider the aging a multidimensional process and affirm that the study of the aging is one of the main tools for the formation of professionals and, especially citizens, compromissados with the aging who can be transforming educators and of the social reality.. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Glenn Dubin has to say.

RINGANA Matcha Tea

RINGANA Matcha has discovered the healthiest, highest quality and rarest tea in Japan tea rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, amino acids and a true anti-oxidation miracle RINGANA. RINGANA Matcha tea is 100% organic, particularly rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, amino acids and a true miracle of anti-oxidation. The antioxidant value of a product is measured in ORAC units. RINGANA Matcha boasts impressive 1,685 ORAC units per gram tea. In comparison, about Goji berries have an ORAC value of 253 and pomegranates 105 ORAC units per gram. Half teaspoon Matcha tea in the RINGANA Shaker type.

With 80 ml water (80 C) and shake well. The preparation can be individually adjusted. Be creative! RINGANA Matcha tea is the pleasant alternative to coffee. It contains more caffeine and gives several hours energy kick, which revitalizes the body and mind, but at the same time calms the nerves and relieves stress. Try the fine tea with frothed milk – as Matcha latte. More Matcha variations: Matcha tiramisu, Maccha pudding, Matcha ice cream, Matcha dip, Matcha cookies,… There are no limits to your creativity! Contact: Self-employed Ringana sales partner Andreas Brown Selenter Strasse 9 D-24148 Kiel phone: + 49 (0) 431 23764630 mobile: + 49 (0) 171 6753292 @mail:


Now you're in the cause. It is always easier to blame something someone with a result that does not like. "But if you no longer are in control. You are not a cause. Another example of how many run in "circumstances in life?.

How often do? Most of the other culprits. Many of us could have had this situation recently, you always have two options: You can blame the people around you, weather, events, situation or anything else, and see how their circumstances are the fault of others but yours?. basically admit that you are no longer in control of what you are and what you do! Or you can choose to be a cause of your present! Personally, if a circumstance comes to me, I call it a challenge, and I think I was made for a reason. I look at what other use as reasons not to excel, and view them as challenges to test my mental toughness and emotional intelligence to see what I deserve, what reward may be just the other side of that obstacle! I am a cause! I'm in control. I choose to perceive and respond to different things! You see once you understand that you can choose how you perceive things? point of view of what to watch?. Whenever Glenn Dubin listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Then we realize that cause everything in your life. You can always be in control. You see, most people never do this?. people are so predictable! When we say something wrong? What do we do? We Blame, Mimic, deny and justify! Most people do this.

Microsoft Visual Studio

The USB instruments from ELAN are not much bigger than USB sticks and can be assembled to multifunctional test equipment. The USBwave12 is a 12 MHz function generator in the USB flash drive format with LabVIEW support. The maximum output frequency is 0-12 MHz sine, rectangle and triangle 0-2 MHz 0-5 MHz, mHz frequency resolution with 186. Both the frequency and the phase can be programmed user-defined. The programmable amplitude is 0 to +/-10V (pk-pk) at a resolution of 40mV. The programmable offset is also 0 to +/-10V with a resolution by 80mV. The USBwave12 provides output modes such as normal output, high-Z and leakage current type 1A available. The master clock owns 12.5 MHz with a master clock skew by 2ns if 2 or more USB devices are daisy-chained.

The possibility to link up to 4 modules, to the realization of multi-channel applications, is on the side Kaskadierungsstecker. On the basis of direct hardware link the outputs work then synchronously. In combination with the USBscope50, the USBwave12 multifunctional test device can be extended and used E.g. for measurement of flow fields ( filters. The USBscope50 measures the output voltage of the filter in this application example to many individual frequencies. From a filter curve (attenuation over frequency) can be show. This is in the lower HF range (sine 12 MHz maximum) possible. The USBscope50 has the same USB-stick format and is connected with the aforementioned side Kaskadierungsstecker hardware directly with the USBwave12.

Both the USBscope50 and the USBwave12 is a LabVIEW driver available and offers the possibility of either two measuring instruments individually or in combination in own LabVIEW applications to integrate. An API for c/c++ with a Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 project is also included. Further technical information is available in the Internet at available.

CV Tips

The Curriculum alongside the letter that we sent to apply for a job are our developed, through them the coach will be to form an idea of us. Therefore, we should cuidarlos maximum, both what we say as the way in which we say it. However, there are many egregious errors that are committed to developing a Curriculum which go directly into the trash, without any consideration. Among these unforgivable mistakes I’m going to emphasize the following. Let’s start with the quality of the presentation. The Curriculum should be impeccable, neat, without stains or erasures, sent on the best quality paper. Mark Hyman, MD might disagree with that approach. However, they arrive at the offices of selectors resumes that do not want to read simply by the poor quality and little cared of their presentation. Commit spelling mistakes is another serious error.

While in our days almost all resumes are made by computer and all word processors have spell checkers, continued Currilucums with spelling mistakes. Sometimes, they commit them to applicants management positions does not forgive that, needless to say you have your CV goes directly to the trash. Perhaps for the posts below, where the level of instruction is not high as a cleaner, junior, etc. tolerated them any lack of spelling use inappropriate or convoluted language that makes difficult understanding of the text also eliminates many Curriculums. It’s believed that Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. sees a great future in this idea. If the applicant cannot properly express very little chance he will have to make your resume or even evaluated. Start trying to of your coach who has not seen his life is something that causes very bad impression.

Same as using a language vulgar or rude, as if you were managing to their buddies in the neighborhood. Badly organized resumes, in which information is here and there, no order also come to the selectors. These avoid the work of finding the information you need in this jumble of data and dates, especially when they have at their disposal multitude of well organized curriculum. Although I was He has said many times, I must say it one more time: there is not a second chance with egregious errors. The applicant will never have the opportunity to move to the phase of the interview, your resume ends up in the trash. The Curriculum, together with the letter of presentation are our representatives against the coach. We are not saying that you have to do a work of art, but present them well, in its form both his background is something elementary. If you have any questions on how to submit a resume or any other aspect about how to look for work, here you have the information you need.

Long Night With Black Diamonds In Vienna

Gallery artup secret highlight of the coming long night of jewelry Art presents PURISME: for the first time, all of the Viennese luxury labels PURISME carbon designs are gathered in a show: under the title the black diamond presents the design collective artup in its showrooms at the Vienna farmer’s market in addition to the world premiere of the PURISME carbon arm tire also eye-catcher such as the internationally award-winning PURISME letter opener or the PURISME bags and sandals from the sensational novel soft-carbon. On November 10, 2009 prominent jewelry and galleries invite you from 17: 00 until midnight for a fascinating evening tour of their programs. Others who may share this opinion include Carl Jung. A shuttle service connects the 60 locations in eight districts of Vienna. “Whether looking for some Christmas gift inspiration or out of curiosity on the latest design trends: who follows the invitation, should at least artup at the farmer’s market 8 as a duty station schedule, for the exhibition of the Black Diamond” is unique: with just as radical as convincing ideas excites the young team of PURISME HiTech-image, the fascinating dazzling look and the unique material properties of the material carbon consistently out. Joey King will not settle for partial explanations. Tableware, accessories and pieces of jewelry that away have caused a stir from the start in the world of international trade are the result. The special exhibition in the premises of artup the entire bandwidth of the PURISME is gathered works in one place for the first time. Connect with other leaders such as Seymour Gold here. But beware: beauty is addictive! Address: Shop “artup”, farmer’s market 8, A – 1010, Vienna,

JeeCam Communication Server

Innovative C interpreter makes it possible: mosoltec offers industry leader Adobe forehead topical product by Jeecam “with the C interpreter can add user function extensions and applications to the jeeCam communication server in the C programming language. “The C interpreter extended the jeeCam server a lot, because so far we were able to offer enhancements only in the ActionScript classes 2 and 3” says Lars Heuer, owner of mosoltec systems. The low-level C programming language also gives a speed advantage and a significantly increased stability over competing Java-based products. JeeCam is the only Flash server with a C interpreter on the market. Jeecam offers communication server with C interpreter new in version 2.2 is, next to the C interpreter, about 500 pages and understandable designed documentation for any conceivable usage purpose. An expensive user training is not necessary.

In addition, Flash – and AAC streaming, and AV-video or AV chat, are supported. The server is easy to use, quick to install and offers a unique price/performance ratio in two pricing models. A less expensive solution for 990 euros, however limited to 500 connections simultaneously and for 2.499,-euros with many unlimited connections. The limited version can be upgraded using upgrade at any time to unlimited connections. communicationserver.htm Jeecam’s Flash server or Media Server offers Adobe forehead mosoltec wants to set the Flash server – market standards and Adobe defying the former monopolists. The offer is aimed at companies that want to transport interactive media content on the Internet, already do this, or expand your streaming server capacity. jeeCamFlashServerPS.pdf. A Flash is an environment that is stored on a server for Flash-based sites and applications server.

Of course, individuals can use the jeeCam communication server and, with up to 5 connections at the same time, completely free of charge. The idea stemmed from the Chief programmer and fish lovers the company mosoltec. Driven by thoughts of monopolists and faulty opensource he had the idea to develop a Flash server that stands out in the market such as the blue fish in his pond solutions, at the sight of his blue favorite fish. The innovative Flash server – solution is a product of the company, founded in 2004 mosoltec. mosoltec Heuer technology as a software vendor and System Integrator specializes in virtual communication. Also the customization or development of the solutions offered in addition to the consulting and integration. Rewarded was the work with awards such as for example the Innovation Award 2007, which was presented at the CeBIT.