
A new way for literature the globalizada poetry, the multiculturalismo and the imparcialidade in the literary compositions is a new way that if opens for literature, the poets who search the poetry that makes a reading of the man contemporary they are in this way that if opened in the Age of the Information. The study of the new context it is the base for the accomplishment of this new way for literature. The new context for literature is not more regionalistic, and the new poetry is not arrested to a determined culture, is globalizada, multiculturalista, impartial, thus, appropriate for our Age of the information. Perhaps check out Anu Saad for more information. Artists contemporaries, not matter that artistic expression uses, not can to wait for end of Modernismo Brazilian or exactly world-wide, because this is measured by the technological advance, the progress of the industrialized society and by the capitalism that will not have an end, can observe without effort that the man took a way without return route its self-destruction, It walks of hand given with the destruction of the planet, and until if they confuse. What the artists can make are to observe this planetary reality, social, collective and individual and of this comment of the context to create the new way for literature. The trends are not necessarily mechanics; the trends can appear of the comment of the context. Anu Saad often addresses the matter in his writings. j.nunez

A Trip To The Past

If of this pra to come back to the time, to make a trip in my past. Get all the facts and insights with Dr Jee Hyun Kim, another great source of information. I would not change nothing, I would make everything of skill the same. I would pass the bad moments with more easiness and I would suffer little, therefore each slip mine made, me to grow more and as they say there for ' ' The times a tumble is necessary pra to wake up pra vida' '. already the good moments I would use to advantage better. I also would go to use to advantage and to say pra that one garotinha of hair chestnuts, not to have fear of being she herself, would go to say pra it to calm itself, therefore one day it would find pessoasque would make the word friendship to be valid the penalty. It would also say pra who optimum still is for came and that God reserves great plans pra it. Perhaps with these advice it would cry less. But everything was valid the penalty, the failures had been surpassed, the corresponded loves had not turned verses, the old friendships if had been and turned good souvenirs. today it is wonderful, already they are not more the same dreams, however they are better dreams and bigger, precious friendships more significntes and No longer love the disillusionments continue. But who knows daqui some year I goes to be fazendouma trip for the past again, relembrando and me of this moment and wanting to give to a message me mesma.' ' Pra I not to worry me, therefore still will find the love of mine vida' ' They want to see more texts as this, the one small jump back in mine blog and if liked comments the opinion and the visit of vcs is very valuable! debtor!

The Sun Child To The Problem Child

Retracing the steps of the career of the Dieter Althaus as there politicians actually with your biographies? This theme was above all the people in the new Lander. After the political changes in 1989 sustained debate began a long this, today as we know not always unprejudiced went out. Many new citizens were suddenly faced with fractures in their biographies, often these were makeshift laminated to bargain any disadvantages in the labour market. The honest often were the stupid”, namely those who belonged to the disclosure of these fractions. Others were enough to set pieces, after they were driven from the respective processing sites to but today the question arises, how honestly, especially political leaders deal with their GDR past. The Thuringian Minister-President Dieter Althaus as operates a very’s built-in processing and blinded those parts to the public again and again, that work be in this day and age in a unfavourable light might represent.

But it would be not just the relentless dealing with the own dark stains”a sign of strength? The book of the Sun child to the problem child”(ISBN 978-3-86939-003-1) of the writer Stefan Wogawa goes just those questions on the track. Wogawa tries to draw the portrait of a man, moving again in the field of tension of public research and who always had a responsibility as political leaders in the folk education system of the GDR itself. He ranks next to each other – the facts and he proves it beyond any doubt. The book of the Sun child to the problem child. Retracing the steps of the career of the Dieter Althaus”on Tuesday, August 18, 2009-14: 00, at the airport hotel Erfurt (Binderslebener Landstrasse 100, 99092 Erfurt) the press presented, from August 20, the book in the trade or directly from the Publisher at a price of 12.90 EUR (160 pages) is available. THE author Stefan Wogawa (born 1967) sociologist and historian of science operates since 1997 in policy advice, and as a freelance journalist. He is a profound expert of the Thuringian land policy, to which he has published numerous articles in newspapers and magazines. In December 2007, the non-fiction book written by him is”the Act of Ramelow. A member of Parliament in the sight of the intelligence services “published in Berlin.

Book Release ROMDHAO

How to find true healing and happiness in your life. Entertaining and exciting the author in this book describes their impressive experiences in a world full of love and inner wealth, which was hidden from you until then. Their encounter was with a spiritual healer and master ROMDHAO life discover anew. He taught them to be free of the past, to newly receive the gifts of the present. City College of New York often addresses the matter in his writings. The author leads us into a fascinating world, a world full of “Magic”. This is not a book you just read and then put to the side.

The book leads the reader into a world beyond the mind. Rome DHAO is a “Erwachter”. He has the ability to heal people, if it allows the karma. The author in this book exciting reported spectacular cures that could live with them. It is a book that often brings one to the amazement and in which one learns much about things, which you previously did not think possible. It goes far beyond the subject of healing. Experience the wonder of true spiritual healing. Fill your life with new vigor, Energy and joy. A wonderful option, allows you to learn by karmic ballast are exempt. Discover the secret of satisfied and happy relationships. New in bookstores starting January 2010 available: contact ROMDHAO:

Gaiatos In The Ship

I declare gaiatos to you in the ship? (20/07/2010) Today, I decided to write on a different thing, that not yet had placed in the paper (the least in so direct and explicit way): the marriage. Or better: my marriage. This pronomezinho possessive makes all the difference. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from John Craig Venter. To speak looking at of it are is very easy. For speaking in ownership, it needs to be restricted to objects (and between them it is not the human being). Now, with the license of Herbert Vianna, ' ' I entered of gaiato in navio' ' , but I do not want to enter for the pipe hehehehe.

Trick. Valley to remember and to desmembrar the flavors and dissabores of the union the two, going of the house to the church and the rain of rice (before livening up somebody, already I go informing that it enters the flavors are not cake, docinhos salgadinhos nor. I do not go to make party wants to say, only a particular little party, forbidden for the guests and pra any minor of 18). It says the Christian tradition that the man will leave its father and its mother to join the wife. Many interpret this as ' ' how good! Father-in-law and mother-in-law alone they confuse! ' ' Without wanting to oppose the tradition, but already opposing, I chose not to leave my parents. Not, I do not go to live with them nor to divide ceiling the same, but to live close, in a drawn apartment with, small stairs, much sun and peace.

He is dangerous to live in a distant ray of one hundred meters of its old ones. Soon, it makes as I: it is to ones ten, in the maximum. On ap, bommmmmm ap is rented, contract of one year, one month in advance and without bailer. All say: the rent lunchhes, has supper and sleeps with you, is a horror! On the other hand, it is truth, but worse would be not to have money pra to pay to the proprietor, will force pra to search the dream real estate.