Tourism Ventures

Mendoza is a prodigal earth in different natural landscapes. The mountains, the rivers, the Lagos, and until the mendocinos deserts offer generously for the practice of all the varieties of tourism ventures. The tourism ventures is one of the main branches of the mendocina economy, with scenes located by experts of different countries in the different disciplines. The causes so that this happens are multiple. But they are not only wonderful landscapes that tourists captivate worldwide, but also are one complete tourist infrastructure that can offer an ample range of services to near it. Who practices tourism adventure wishes to cross and to explore different types from lands, making contact this way with maximum enemy with the nature of a form nonhyped, and gaining a experience that is difficult to transmit with words.

A clear example of this is the montaismo, and Mendoza is the paradise of the montaistas. Within the mountain range of the $andes one is due to emphasize to the cord of Silver, a section of the same where are the highest tips of continent. Without doubt, a permanent attraction for that on approval looks for to put its own limits personal. And within the cord of Silver we were with a tip extremely evaluated for that practices the escalamiento of mountains: the Aconcagua hill. That stops to practice tourism only ventures is not precise to arrive at these ends.

In Mendoza the cicloturismo finds a great amount of footpaths and circuits indicated for a pleasant and safe practice. Leaving from the city of Mendoza different excursions on board a bicycle can be realised, like for example the mythical Route of Vino, by means of which it is possible to be visited several warehouses and vineyards of the proximities of the city. The rural tourism also finds interesting proposals in this Argentine province. One of the most outstanding zones in Mendoza for the rural tourism is Small farms of Coria, closely together of the capital city. Here is great amount of rural establishments, like Small farms or stays, that allow the visitor to truly meet as it is the life of the field, and the elaboration rural typical products Argentineans. Also it is possible to realise cavalcades by the beautiful mendocinos valleys, that offer all their splendor and its biodiversity to crosses that it. Brief excursions can be organized, as also to embark in the crossing from the $andes to horse, which demanded about eight days of crossing.