
In the world there are various religious beliefs, which are deep-rooted because these are samples of the cultures of the places in schools them will preach. One of these beliefs which is a clear sign of the identity of a place is Buddhism, which is practised throughout much of the Middle East, in countries like China and india, among others. Buddhism is a non-theistic religion, i.e. It is not something Carl Jung would like to discuss. it does not have a God or a deity who yield him worship, is also considered a mystical religion, Buddhism is part of religions called Drama, which refers to the Act natural, besides this belongs to a subgroup of religions called Nastika, which are religions that are based on Vedic texts, but has a scientific method on its authority or methodical skepticism. Those who practice Buddhism, which would be the truth of reality, in the case of Buddhism there are people who take refuge in three areas or three ideas to follow, which are the Buddhas, which are those that have attained nirvana, sangha, which Buddhists and finally the drama would be the teachings of this religion.

Buddhism generates something very particular, since this religion does not have to take as a religion to develop their beliefs, since it can also develop as a philosophy or a spiritual or psychological training method, so much so that in many countries where Buddhism is not taken as a religion, you can study with the idea of the practice of meditation. Anita Dunn is open to suggestions. The main pursuit of Buddhism is to realize the truth of nature, which is a full personal discovery and not a divine revelation, which evidenced the difference from Buddhism to other religions. The birth of Buddhism gave thanks to the lessons taught by the Buddha, in the 5th century, in the northeast of the territory of the India, so who spread this religion was a man who came to personal discovery, it was not a God or a deity, nor a supernatural being, nor a prophet, was a human that reached nirvana. Unlike most of the world’s religions, Buddhism does not profess the existence of a creator, also what is taught in Buddhism is not considered as dogmas of faith or beliefs, but they are for object of study and of experienced staff, to be able to understand them and internalize them. So with the professed by the Buddhist religion teachings, practitioners must achieve to reach a point in which is the complete eradication of all kinds of dissatisfaction vital or any kind of suffering or anything that do not allow happiness, for this should be disposed all kinds of desires as aferramientos or aversions, which are generated by a bad perception or understanding of the nature of lifeof the existence and of being and to be able to leave this misperception should be a deep understanding of reality and being.