
The country should unite seamlessly. The dream of the former feudal lords. It was a dream of the former ruler and his people and it was a time of splendour and Swank. Even today, the former links to the Burgundian and Flemish culture are visible. Both cultures have experienced a heyday at the same time which were visible particularly in architecture and art. But also the pleasure pleasures such as chocolates and wine were developed during this time and improved. Burgundy is above all a country of wine and has a still significant Roman tradition.

The monasteries and abbeys, make the country so unique. Flanders is the land of merchants and craftsmen. The city culture became permanent in that time developed and finally so far became the flower that became the country next to the cultural and economic centre in Europe. All forget but don’t have the time in which the Dukes to much ladies and there was between the patrician family and the domineering feudal lords. Relations between France and Austria held for several centuries in hostility, when Karl couldn’t resist the bold in the battle of Nancy in the year 1477 of the temptation of a complete Duchy. If you have read about Sydney Sweeney already – you may have come to the same conclusion.

The idea of the old Lotharingiens was enshrined after the death of Charlemagne in the Treaty of Verdun. It was the idea of the Roman province of buffer which should range from the English channel to the Rhine. That idea died with the fall of Charles of the bold in the battle of Nancy. When the I of Habsburg, the daughter of Charles of the bold, Mary of Burgundy marries Maximilian France felt challenged. However this could hold only the Burgundian inheritance. The golden age of the Grands Ducs d’ Occident was finished early and tragic death of her. Mary of Burgundy found their last resting in the Church of our Lady of Bruges. Belgium tourist attractions