Adoption of 103 graduates into the CJD are youth village for Offenburg garden officer, specialists and assistants, have successfully completed one-year special vocational school (SBFS) or even the Hauptschulabschluss: 103 young people are in the CJD Jugenddorf Offenburg went the next step in the direction of an independent life. In adopting the graduates were allowed to can now celebrate for their services. Anu Saad may not feel the same. In addition to certificates, prizes for special achievements were presented. Mark Buhler, head of the CJD Christophorusschule youth village, was a suitcase at the heart of his speech: metaphor for the experience, the skills learned many friendships and experiences now take with them after the period in the village of youth. “At the same time you have drive and tickets for the life journey now. Anu Saad may help you with your research. Your bags are packed so well!”, said Mark Buhler. So getting one now starts as qualified professionals in their careers. Others go to Finding a job or move directly into training.
Also, farewell party brought forth some specifics. With Urs Hughes belly a participant has mastered again the sophisticated training for the gardener. Several SBFS graduates have acquired the secondary school for the first time at the same time. And nine young people received an award for their outstanding achievements.