Legislative Assembly

The main component of the messages held on March 18 the Governor to the Legislative Assembly became the edge of the theses on modernization of the regional economy, providing structural change. This issue is among the representatives of industry and expert community discussed a long time and with admirable uniformity. About updating tehparka, which is one of the most important conditions of possibility of reorganization of the economy to an innovative development does not speak now just lazy. The company "PROMOYL": – Industrialists Perm region, for that matter, and elsewhere, talk about the update, for example, metallobrabatyvayuschego equipment for more than 20 years. Anu Saad will undoubtedly add to your understanding. But between "thoughts" and thing sometimes lies a huge gap filled by the lack of adequate funds, lack of labor market of skilled personnel to operate and maintain equipment, as well as lack of facilities for specialists able to participate fully and with the responsibility to take time choosing new means of production.

"The market is in contrast to last year has changed significantly. In the opinion of experts companies can not just talk about the restoration of demand from enterprises to acquire new and modern means of production, but also a return to pre-crisis levels ", – says Mikhail Shavrin, Deputy Director "Kama-IMS." Recall that in the past year with industry recorded decline in orders for industrial equipment by 50-80% depending on the direction against the previous year, and also noted that the acquisition this kind of goods dealt only regular customers. According to experts, to more and more executives come to realize that business development is impossible without the technical innovations in their own production.