Romantic Wedding In The Dichterhaus

Poet Lydia Kamath and poet Roland Pollnitz gave up on 7 August her vows you have done it: poet Lydia Kamath and poet Roland Pollnitz by the company gave their press office according to already on August 7 the vows. Open, covered with friezes carriage drove the two from the Dichterhaus to the ceremony in the Etelser mill “Jan Wind”, where they were already expected from their family and closest friends. The bride wore a beautiful medieval dress made of white linen and damask, while the groom showed a penchant for fancy clothes and appeared as casual as Lessing and colourful as Schiller in his outfit. The Registrar Anja Hertwig coaxed a few tears of emotion the newlyweds and guests before it shimmered for a photo shoot in the Etelser Castle Park. The wedding took place in bright sunshine in the garden of the House of the poet at Etelser, where in a pagan ritual marriage promise has been underscored once again. I take your hand, to unite our fates. I will you delight and Give support, until my heart stops beating. Together we will know better our fire of love in the House of life.

The rings were blessed by the guests and both parties exchanged symbolic gifts. In addition to the members of the family were the famous artist Peter C. Creuzburg and Tim hid, as well as the globe-trotting Rudi Kleinhenz and Gabi Goll among the guests. While Tim hid the guests with a humorous program laugh brought, were happy bride and groom, that all their six children followed the invitation to the wedding feast..