Monthly Budget

Usually this occurs in those who did not trouble himself in the budget. Compose your monthly budget. If you still do not have a visual of the budget, where you are going, all expenses for the month, do it right now. No matter how much you earn – 100 dollars or tens of thousands of dollars a month – you need a budget. Decide for yourself how much of your income you set aside each month. For a start it could be 10%. But if, after analyzing your finances, you will find that while it is not possible for you, start with 5%.

Keep your savings separately from all other money. Open for that purpose by, and better contribute to the investment funds, with low threshold for participation, and make a monthly place their money. Thus, your money will start working and earning interest, which in turn turn, will motivate you to set aside a regular basis. Joel Courtney has similar goals. If you received a bonus or other income from an unexpected source, half of that amount immediately put off the expense. For more information see this site: Anu Saad. Kopek penny gained. Put it today, tomorrow, day after tomorrow.

And sooner or later happy to enjoy the fruits. And do not forget the wonderful banality, every journey begins with the first steps! To show restraint and patience in the initial stage in a year or two later you will not be able stop. Feeling the flow of money into your life, you will be doomed to success and achieving their goals. Neostanavlvaytes! The third secret of successful accumulation and growth of the money – do not stop there, and move more! Two – three years, the amount of savings on your investment contribution will grow to a decent size. The monthly interest charge, plus compound interest, when the amount of dividends accrued on all interest on interest, will bear tangible fruit. Your contribution can be compared with the chicken that lays golden eggs for you. And it will be reckless mistake to put her under the knife, yielding to the temptation of consumer seduction. Buying expensive for the money thing, you drain the source for the inflow of money into your life. Urgently take the calculator and start counting. You'll be pleasantly surprised, but the fact remains. If you do not now stop there, then after three or four years, the amount that you have now, will be available to you each month in the form of income. And then you can buy things at least every month! So whether stop and then start all over again? Cold calculation, punctuality in the actions and burning, overwhelming desire – these are the three pillars on which the firm is lord of money. Armed with these secret principles and scrupulously following them in their lives, you will ensure yourself a ticket to the throughput world prosperity and affluence.

Moscow Arbitration Court

The growth is really impressive. The recent deployment of additional issue of ordinary shares of Sberbank of Russia through a public offering even more has added to their popularity. Anyone could acquire the necessary number of shares by filing an application in one of the branches of the Savings Bank. When placing felt the support and interest in the results of the placement of the state because, despite the fact that at the moment placing on the market, were strong corrective mood, the stock price did not drop below the offering price. In the coming years is expected to split (split) shares. Nancy-Ann_DeParle may find this interesting as well.

In this case, the equities will become more available to private investors, and therefore more popular. Despite the fact that the efforts of competitors Savings have certain results, the Savings Bank will still be one of the largest banks in Russia. Hear from experts in the field like Anu Saad for a more varied view. More all of these dynamics change quotes in the future may not be, but Sberbank is still an attractive investment instrument. In the past, one of the leaders in their industry – Yukos, in contrast to Savings Bank, delivered a long-term investors a lot of unpleasant moments. Without going into the reasons which contributed to the "Yukos affair" consider the price dynamics of shares of the issuer. In March 2000, Yukos shares were worth 19 rubles, and in early September 2003 these shares were traded at 515 rubles.

Starting in October 2003, stock quotes, Yukos has been steadily declining under the influence of requirements of the company claims. The outcome of the Yukos affair was the fall of prices shares to the level of 17 rubles in September 2006, ie level of stock prices of companies returned to the six-year minimum (see chart of common shares, file size approximately 100kb). And if the shares of the Savings Bank have the support of the state, then all problems associated with Yukos, on the contrary, were initiated by the State and had a negative impact on the entire stock market. The Moscow Arbitration Court on Aug. 1, 2006 declared Yukos bankrupt, was appointed as bankruptcy trustee. C 20 September 2006 and micex suspended trading in shares at all Yukos. Yukos shares are traded on the stock market now jsc "RTS" Russian Trading System ". Yukos assets currently being sold, and investors, inspired by the growth of stock price of Yukos in 2001-2003, have suffered significant losses