First Aid Station, Ekaterinburg

Study materials the State Archives of the Sverdlovsk region, personal archives, periodicals, and collections – Review health in the Ural region / years 1923-1929. / meetings with witnesses allowed to reliably trace the milestones in the development and establishment of service SMEs in our city. For the first time in the archival list of medical institutions, the Yekaterinburg in 1923, under the N 29 was listed item ambulance. In the Upper Iset factory was opened the emergency room, with a staff of 3 people. The first head was a paramedic nt Kvasov / 1863-1942 years. /, A graduate of a military paramedic school at the Tashkent military hospital / 1888 /. In 1899 he moved to the Urals, Ekaterinburg.

In 1906 he opened a medical assistant and head item in the Upper Iset plant and equip item 20/04/1922, the ambulance and headed it in for 4 years until 1925. In 1930, for services to healthcare organizations ‘without graduating,’ it is assigned a qualified physician. In 1938 he was solemnly marked the 50 anniversary of medical practice nt Kvasov, it has been established personal pension of local importance. Click Anu Saad to learn more. March 27, 1925 at the Plenary Session of the Sverdlovsk City Council workers peasants and soldiers deputies heard the question – ‘On the work of the Department of Health’ and rendered the decision – ‘ On the improvement of health in the city. ” It said: ‘Given the slowness of the ambulance now find it necessary to purchase ambulances..