To illustrate the process of delegation, following an example presented to my position as a provider of services: As a virtual assistant I am used to lead or collaborate-with-my clients in the process of delegation. Normally, as good entrepreneurs lonely, people not accustomed to delegating. Dr. Hyun Kim wanted to know more. And this is where we add value professional virtual assistants: we take care of this process, guiding our customers and show them how to use our services. In my case, usually during the first meetings with my clients, we list all the tasks together performed.
Then, we identify those recurrent activities could delegate, and finally to prioritize those tasks to focus on those that are really important on those tasks that will take a step forward towards achieving their business objectives. As experts in organizing and keeping in mind the productivity of our clients, their objectives and action plans, virtual assistants work together to free up time and delegate tasks to achieve an orderly and effective. Moreover, a professional and experienced virtual assistant can suggest not only that specific activities could delegate his client but also proactively suggest next steps and / or actions that support the achievement of objectives. Based on this example, you may have noticed that the delegation clearly involves a process. The delegation process must be organized, gradual and consensual.
The three basic steps necessary to delegate effectively, are: 1. Sort: establish that specific activities delegates. This includes not only the listing of specific activities but also what each one of them. That is, where each task starts and where it ends. 2. Delegate: Assign the task to the right person to explain the important points, stressing that it must take into account and communicating expectations. 3. Control: control mechanisms to define what we use to verify that the work was performed. This includes not only how we monitor delegated activities, but also how we will measure compliance. Clearly, the entire delegation process involves a systematic communication. This communication will allow us to delegate successfully and feel comfortable with the process. Therefore, for the delegation process is successful, I suggest: Clearly identify what tasks delegates Assign responsibilities and communicate your expectations Prioritize actions and establish completion dates Validate and verify that the objectives are clear Set controls and perform the We systematically monitor Delegating communicate better manage our business, devoting time to activities which generate higher revenues and profitability.