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A casa nostra s l’estat del benestar recent molt.Podem Visualitza the proces of creaci de l’estat-Providencia, encara que no amb el grau de desenvolupament has tingut en d’altres llocs d’Europe, the Democr tica transici espanyola, gr species to the qual Espanya i Catalunya tingut l’oportunitat have to allocate public despesa finalitats socials amb. Aix ens ho remember a protagonist of the transici dels com Santiago Carrillo, leader of the PCE aleshores “the welfare state in Europe has created security conditions to which the Spanish going after logging in our country is no democracy. Security, education, in health, for unemployment, old age, …which did not exist, at another time. ” Efectivament, the gestational deixant band of the model during the Franco darreries them because of l’oposici democr tica: Social Security, general llei of Education, Lleu creixement public sector interlocuci toler nce the social, etc, podem say it is starting from 1977 paral s’estableixen quan les bases lelament Democr tic regime of mins i estat de benestar espanyol, precisament in uns moments that neoliberal dreta q estionant the intervenci estava de l’estat d’Europa arreu . Vicente Navarro, a m s dels cr tics migradesa amb la de l’estat espanyol of benestar not remember them s’est funcions de l’estat de benestar in social cohesi : “What is the welfare state The answer to this question is simple: state intervention is aimed explicitly at improving the welfare of the population and includes primarily (though not exclusively) four types of interventions, which are: “Social transfers, which, as its name implies, are public funds transfers from one social group to another, from which pensions are the most important chapter and they transfer funds from employers and employees to beneficiaries or pensioners those systems of social security pensions are financed mainly through social contributions, as is the case in Spain.Without the old-age pensions, 68 of elderly people in Catalonia were poor, pensions being the most important antipoverty program in Catalonia. “Public services such as health, education, family support (such as school children, home services for the elderly and people with disabilities, supported housing, nursing homes, day centers and other services that help families), social housing and others who provide services to people. Some cheap women viagra of the common emotional causes of this problem can possibly be improved upon, giving the man increased self-confidence, which may also hold diabetes, heart problems, and hypertension as underlying cause in them. This means, appropriate consumption of ginseng can treat problems like erectile dysfunction viagra price and micro penis syndrome disorder effectively. The herb is known to expand blood vessels buy levitra in usa in the male genital area are widened and with sexual stimulation, inhibition of PDE5 by sildenafil causes increased levels of cGMP in the corpus cavernosum. In the event that you take it on empty levitra overnight delivery stomach. These services are extremely important in setting the quality of life of citizens … “Policy interventions, in which the State does not fund or provide services, but sets rules to be followed to protect workers, consumers and residents. Are public policies such as occupational and environmental and consumer advocacy.For such a function has an impact on the welfare of workers, consumers and residents, the regulatory responsibility must be accompanied by responsibility penalties for violations of such rules, a facet of the welfare state de Catalunya very underdeveloped … “And, public interventions designed to produce good jobs, establishing conditions favorable for the private sector to produce and when that did not think enough good jobs, encourage and facilitate the production of jobs in the sector public, a state responsibility underdeveloped in Catalonia and Spain. ” In summary, home, recent i min, i tot that the social cohesi necess ria per consolidaci of the cia i que els democr control mecanismes participaci i democr per tics are essential in the survival, manteniment i per l’estat d’un enfortiment of benestar digne que sigui d’aquest nom.