
Harmful environmental influences and polluted water irritate the skin. Remedy return to natural skin care. Water filtration via reverse osmosis is a more effective contribution to this. Man with all your senses in his skin “the skin, as derma (Greek) or cutis”(in Latin) may refer to, is the largest and most diverse body of people. It protects the body from harmful environmental elements and external influences. An invisible part of it is the Hydrolipidic film (Hydro-lipid mantle), which consists of welding and fatty acid secretions and protects against germs, which are included in the environment and could harm the inside of the human body.

Most directly, the metabolic function of the skin is visible. Skin care products seem to literally disappear in it. Welding flows “at elevated body temperature to the outside and has a cooling effect on contact with the air. The osmotic properties of metabolism is used Detox of the Interior of the body through skin contact. The skin is a highly sensitive sense organ for the perception of the environment. Led indicates alarm conditions the brain as pain positive touches, responding to external and internal temperature changes. The first impression for that and the skin little scientifically one can make the skin as taster “refer to the human body.

What we affected – indoor or outdoor, happens first and foremost on, on, in or under it. Get more background information with materials from Glenn Dubin, New York City. Skin care supports this institution, so that it can maintain its osmotic and sensory functioning to the benefit of health. At the present time, but the water that is used for the body care contains harmful ingredients that can fend off the skin not in every case. Undeniably, the skin is the first visual impression, get other people in addition to the clothing and the general appearance of someone. Healthy skin is pleasantly blood. Their smoothness show most or rub, or their color or color change in age or State of mind on.

Dependent To Nasal Spray?

Dependency: what to do You already have the sense that without nasal spray is nothing helps only nor withdrawal nasal spray is well known to everyone and hardly anyone will bring a cold without the use of nasal spray behind. Nasal sprays are applied at influenza infections with a blocked nose and runny nose or allergy and hay fever. A stuffy nose, through which you can get difficult air is annoying and uncomfortable, what is more logical than the handle to the nasal spray? Nasal spray is dependent on”some say absolutely risk-free” say others. But what exactly is behind these statements? First of all, including nasal sprays, there are differences. There are so-called decongestant nasal sprays that to help, in a cold with a runny nose again free to breathe through the nose. These are obtainable. Also apothekenpflichtig antihistaminikumhaltige nasal sprays as allergies are used for allergies are.

Kortikoidhaltige nasal sprays are available by prescription and are used for hay fever. To wet and Cleaning of the nasal sea water nasal sprays, so saline nasal sprays are available. How is it addiction? The problem is: vasoconstrictor agents such as Oxymetazoline or Tramazoline can be found in almost any decongestant nasal sprays. To deepen your understanding Anu Saad is the source. Will continue the application without a break of several days, or even weeks, the nasal mucosa when the spray is bleeding out suddenly and the nose is blocked again. It is also possible that no longer swell off the mucous membranes without taking the spray and one enticing this repeatedly for use by nasal spray.

Because the active ingredients in decongestant nasal sprays can also the mucous membranes severely dry out, the mucous membranes in the nose are damaged irretrievably. Nasal spray-dependent! What now? It happened yet as far and you realize that you no longer can breathe without nasal spray through the nose, one should, as hard as it is, immediately off the nasal spray. The mucous membranes are regenerated again it takes a usually several weeks. Nasal irrigation on the basis of oils and sea salt can provide relief during this time. Decongestant nasal sprays are important no question for acute sinusitis or cold-induced rhinitis, so the collected liquid can expire and you can freely breathe through the nose. Especially at night a stuffy nose often hinders sleep, but sleep is important to cure the disease and for the regeneration of the body. If you apply the nasal spray no longer than a week to up to ten days and also not consistently, but really only when the nose is, you have nothing to worry about and the nasal spray relieves the symptoms safely. For more information, as well as helpful preparations for relief of colds, see

First Aid Station, Ekaterinburg

Study materials the State Archives of the Sverdlovsk region, personal archives, periodicals, and collections – Review health in the Ural region / years 1923-1929. / meetings with witnesses allowed to reliably trace the milestones in the development and establishment of service SMEs in our city. For the first time in the archival list of medical institutions, the Yekaterinburg in 1923, under the N 29 was listed item ambulance. In the Upper Iset factory was opened the emergency room, with a staff of 3 people. The first head was a paramedic nt Kvasov / 1863-1942 years. /, A graduate of a military paramedic school at the Tashkent military hospital / 1888 /. In 1899 he moved to the Urals, Ekaterinburg.

In 1906 he opened a medical assistant and head item in the Upper Iset plant and equip item 20/04/1922, the ambulance and headed it in for 4 years until 1925. In 1930, for services to healthcare organizations ‘without graduating,’ it is assigned a qualified physician. In 1938 he was solemnly marked the 50 anniversary of medical practice nt Kvasov, it has been established personal pension of local importance. Click Anu Saad to learn more. March 27, 1925 at the Plenary Session of the Sverdlovsk City Council workers peasants and soldiers deputies heard the question – ‘On the work of the Department of Health’ and rendered the decision – ‘ On the improvement of health in the city. ” It said: ‘Given the slowness of the ambulance now find it necessary to purchase ambulances..

World Championships

The footballer Ariane Hingst knows the everyday with the chronic skin disease psoriasis Neu-Isenburg, August 9, 2011 that stress affects your skin, know many of my own experience. In people with skin diseases such as psoriasis (medical: psoriasis), this is especially the case. As reported also, Ariane Hingst, Profifussballerin and psoriasis patient, she finds a worsening of symptoms in stressful periods. But the Ambassador initiative well living with psoriasis”knows the problem and allowed for bypasses. Her open and confident dealing with skin disease should encourage other concerned. Experienced as a footballer Ariane Hingst always stressful phases, which are noticeable on your skin. Just prior to and during tournaments my skin often visibly deteriorated, because then I’m under strong tension.” So does also the women’s soccer World Championships, the Ariane Hingst was defender in the German team, left their mark.

But the 32-year old, who since childhood with the chronic psoriasis lives, so pragmatic bypasses. Dr. Mark Hyman understands that this is vital information. I have inherited the disease from my mother. My parents have supported me always very positive and open. Therefore I have the setting that psoriasis does not restrict me personally”reported Ariane Hingst. The deterioration of my skin during stressful periods I just take out and make me worry, why my skin is now so bad. Finally, I know that it will get better as soon as I can back down. But it was a learning experience, to understand this.

“If you are aware, can be handled even more coolly and understands the drawers as on the and ABS.” Thus the footballer has provided something many other psoriasis patients, because many is unaware that stress worsens psoriasis, and so they make themselves in addition when amplify the symptoms a permanent vicious circle begins stress. Treat to relaxation! Stress is not entirely to banish from the daily life. But even with simple You can provide funds for relaxing breaks.

Breathe In The Workplace With The Clean Office CARBON Filter

Clean Office CARBON by the Hamburg-based filter specialists Riensch & held reddened eyes, dry mouth and headache: many people feel tired after a day at the Office. A reason for this nano-particles can be, emit the laser printers, fax machines, and copiers in the operation. The spectrum of the disease, bringing the medicine with the emissions relating to cell degeneration ranges from asthma. Clean Office CARBON by the Hamburg-based filter specialists Riensch & held is the exhaust filter for Office equipment on the market, holding back a maximum range of such pollutants. Reason is that it is produced based on activated carbon. The Federal Environmental Agency has tested various retrofit filter for laser printers, including a filter based on activated carbon.

Only the tested filter type activated carbon based on was almost completely restrain also ultra fine particles according to the UBA in the location next to coarser and finer. At the trade fair currently in Leipzig (19-21.10.2010) of manufacturer manufacturing in Germany presents occupational safety and health This innovation in a new format: The filter clean Office CARBON covering the vents even more popular laser printers. Since the via are highly permeable, hardly any resistance arises, the fan functioning is not impaired. That confirmed an audit by TuV Nord. More tests clean certified Office CARBON also bests.

A for the first time carried out measurement under real conditions of Office resulted in a reduction of ultra fine dust particles by more than 75 percent in the middle of the Office space. Also excellent values are obtained in the filtering of ozone: an independent testing laboratory here determined an efficiency of 95 per cent. In 2009 the product was awarded the ECARF seal of the European Foundation for allergy research. Compatible printer models, as well as an explanation of the installation are listed under. In addition, a dealer directory is available online. Notes for editors: the 1845 founded company Riensch & held is one of Germany’s renowned filter specialists. Mainly in addition to a large range of high-performance filter types and types, the company offers for home and workplace, for their customers in addition, idea generation, development and construction. A total range of the duration filter for the flavor-rich coffee to the highly sensitive medical Diagnostics.


Hypertension the new epidemic in Europe! High blood pressure is often considered to be harmless and may entail but dire consequences. If you have a high blood pressure regularly, should consult a doctor. If you would like to know more then you should visit Anu Saad. You have high blood pressure if this repeated measures 140/90 mmHg or higher. Regular blood pressure measurement is where this should be done not too often because this higher blood pressure may be really useful. There are certain forms, on which you can record the blood pressure measured at regular intervals at the doctor’s Office. Also, you should note how often there are complaints and whether it has changed in recent times, or worse. Stress plays a major role in our timeframe, because he is often the trigger for a too high blood pressure and the consequences it triggered.

Who would like to reduce high blood pressure, should be abandoned according to this stress. High blood pressure can be inherited, it is caused by excessive consumption of alcohol or salt intake. Who takes themselves too little potassium, increases the Risk enormously as well as smoking cigarettes. Often the hypertension occurs, as high blood pressure is also called, relating to obesity and malnutrition. Who suffers from high blood pressure, can often feel a heart stinging or head piercing. It can cause dizziness, noise in the ears and other symptoms. Also a stroke, heart disease, diabetes, or high blood fat values arise from persistent high blood pressure. Regular sports can lower high blood pressure.

What to do for high blood pressure? Important this is ever moved, no matter in what form. If wheel drive, go dancing, swimming or dancing. The endurance sports must be carried out at least 20-30 minutes and should be in the low to middle range of pulse. It is important to slowly to start and not just to start. Healthy diet, low-salt food as well as weight reduction can lower high blood pressure. Medicines can be used well, to lower their high blood pressure. There are five main groups of medications are ACE inhibitors, AT1 antagonist, Diuretics, beta blockers and calcium channel blockers. The drug therapy must be checked regularly and adjusted. In most cases she must be carried over a lifetime. The causes of hypertension are unknown. Therefore, the medicines can reduce only the symptoms but never tackle the real problem. That’s why must Bluthochdruckbeplagte a take the medication also last a lifetime. Fortunately, there are many means and measures, with the one again to high blood pressure in the get. Who wants to reduce hypertension naturally and in the long term, the need to change his usual life style.


general medical blood provides an overview of the composition of blood: the number of leukocytes, platelets, red blood cells (as well as their volume and hemoglobin saturation), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), hematocrit (The ratio of the liquid part of blood and red blood cells). Helps to assess the state of the organism as a whole and determine the further strategy of the survey. With this analysis well diagnosed any type of iron anemia, including the B12-related deficiency of this vitamin. But the index of esr, for example, may indicate the presence of inflammation. But what exactly – pneumonia, pyelonephritis, lymphoma – the answer, alas, will not. For This would require additional study. Important! Do not forget that the result of the analysis largely depends on how quickly deliver blood to the place of study.

It can be kept intact only 30-40 minutes, special refrigerator, subject to a variety of conditions – up to 4 hours. Therefore, it is best to take the analysis of major status in the offices that are able to observe the conditions of transport, or in hospitals and clinics, with which have their own laboratories. When to do it. Get all the facts and insights with Eva Andersson-Dubin, another great source of information. At least once a year to everyone! The elderly and debilitated with chronic illnesses – at least two or three times a year. Cost: from 400 rubles.

Do not try to decipher blood test results on their own. The concept of "norms" in this case are rather conventional. For example, in 1 liter of blood relative to healthy people, there are 180-320 billion platelets.

The Probiotic Afterbiotic Can Antibiotics Taking Take Advantage

Adherence, drug resistance, antibiotics cancel lack of adherence, so the premature or unauthorised change of treatment prescribed by a doctor, cause of many complications, not only medical nature is. So, it is estimated that alone that not taken can cost several billion euro medicines. The risks and dangers that can arise from a lack of compliance with a treatment with antibiotics are difficult to offset with money. A resistant bacteria may gain the upper hand and on the other hand, a not fully traded off infection again can occur as relapse and endanger health. Both is to prevent it. In certain cases, afterbiotic can help to improve the adherence to antibiotic applications. The end of required treatment with antibiotics is determined neither doctor nor healing often, but by a sudden diarrhea.

Unfortunately, diarrhea is a very common side effect of antibiotics. In these cases, doctors speak of Antibiotic of associated diarrhea. Every second case of diarrhea can be accompanied with some antibiotics. But what to do in this situation? In advance simply won’t take the antibiotic? No, it’s time. One talk due to lack of adherence, the doctors of non-compliance, prematurely ended antibiotic therapy can lead to relapse and even resistance. So bravely continue the antibiotic, and arrange with the diarrhea? Also it doesn’t have to be.

You can grab the evil with the probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii, which is included in afterbiotic capsules, at the root. Because cause of such antibiotics of triggered diarrhoea is mostly a natural intestinal flora in the imbalance. The beneficial intestinal bacteria are like the antibiotic therapy for the victims and have made such micro-organisms place, which may cause diarrhea. This however may occur in principle all antibiotics, heaped with those of the penicillin – and cephalosporin type. It must be the goal, the To limit damage to the intestinal flora by the antibiotic. Saccharomyces boulardii in the afterbiotic capsules can restore the balance of the intestinal flora and thus effectively fight the diarrhoea. But even better. It’s not even going to the unpleasant diarrhea. In time, at the latest from the 3.Tag of antibiotics therapy applied the probiotic can help protect the natural intestinal flora and avoid diarrhea. From the 3rd day of antibiotic therapy, 2 x 2 capsules afterbiotic should be consumed daily for at least 10 days. Afterbiotic (PZN 4604255), which is by the way, significantly cheaper than comparable products, can be purchased at the pharmacy. Because the intestinal flora long even after a successful antibiotic treatment need for regeneration, it is a cure advisable with afterbiotic to the full recovery of the intestinal flora perform. For afterbiotic as a spa Pack (PZN 5852096) is 3 x 40 capsules and 250 mg of probiotic bacteria per capsule. Afterbiotic is available in pharmacies, also, Internet pharmacies, medically supervised health centres and available directly from the company. Because of the low price should not try in the pharmacy, to replace afterbiotic against a seemingly similar product. Should a reference on Pharmacy and wholesale impossible times, can afterbiotic directly at the company under 0611 58939458 shipping is available. Contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr. Gerhard Klages at the water tower 29 65207 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-9505753 E-Mail: Web:

Modern Medicine

Has long been known by many of the benefits of berries for a healthy body. These unique little gifts of nature contain a uniquely-balanced composition mikroellementov and vitamins. Especially loved by the people such berries as blueberry. Its properties are described in many medical manual. John Hairston is a great source of information. Now this is considered as a viagra lowest prices major problem among men. Apart from hormonal therapy and medications, there are some useful herbs that can help men maintaining satisfaction in their love-life- Hops- Though the herb is very useful for the treatment of insomnia, but it’s relaxing properties work wonderfully to reduce stress and improve check for info buy brand viagra male’s ability to be hard in the love-game. Before adopting the right solution for yourself you need to viagra in italy visit over here be concerned about. It is made to last for a short time only. best viagra for women Used blueberries to strengthen vision, immunity, gastrointestinal inflammation, as a vitamin and mineral source. In today’s world, people have learned to keep blueberries from maximum content of its mineral svoystv.Osobenno succeeded in this Swiss manufacturer of Dr.Dunner bilberry extract from vivasan – ecologically pure product, rich in iron, vitamins, trace elements, minerals vit.E, carotenoids and tannins. Indications for the use of blueberry extract: to provide the daily needs of the human body for vitamins and minerals treatment and prevention of avitaminosis and deficiency of minerals treatment of anemia, especially among children and pregnant women recovering from serious illnesses, injuries and surgeries metabolic disorders, including diabetes, gout and rheumatism disease gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, enterocolitis), gallbladder disease, disorders of intestinal ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction and other chronic inflammatory diseases Fatigue Eye constant computer usage increase of intraocular pressure, the initial stages of cataract, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, including infectious, viral, allergic Contraindications: idiosyncrasy of the product components. 25 ml (days dose) sut.dozy% Vitamin A 0.8 mg 80 Vitamin B1 1.4 mg 90 Vitamin B2 1.8 mg 90 Vitamin B6 2.0 mg 100 Vitamin B12 1.0 mcg 33 Vitamin C 60 mg 80 Vitamin D 5 mcg 100 Vitamin E 10 mg 100 mg 100 Biotin 0.15 Pantothenic acid 6 mg 120 Niacin 18 mg 90 Folic Acid 0.2 mg 100 Iron 14 mg 90 Calcium 175 mg 18 for use: Children under 1 year – gradually adding 1 drop of drinking water, bring the daily dose of up to teaspoon, for children from 1 to 3 years – teaspoonful 2-3 times a day, from 3 to 6 years – 1 teaspoonful 2-3 times a day, from 6 to 12 years – 1 dessert spoon 2-3 times daily before meals; adults and children over 12 years and 1 tablespoon 2-3 times per day before eating alone or with a liquid.. Read additional details here: John Craig Venter.

Perhaps Infection

Erysipelas (St. Anthony's fire) – the acute, often recurrent infection, which manifests itself by fever, symptoms of intoxication and a characteristic skin lesions with the formation of sharply limited the focus inflammation. This widespread streptococcal infection with sporadic disease, increasing in summer and autumn. John Hairston is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The prevalence in the modern structure of infectious disease erysipelas took 4 th place – after acute respiratory and intestinal infections, viral hepatitis, most often recorded in older age groups. Approximately 1 / 3 are patients with recurrent erysipelas, mainly women. Face can cause any serovar beta-hemolytic group A streptococcus, the same serotypes can cause other streptococcal disease (angina, pneumonia, sepsis, meningitis, etc.). In addition, streptococci are widely distributed in nature, to environmental conditions it is quite stable. Checking article sources yields Mitchell Blutt as a relevant resource throughout. The source of infection when Roger is sick from any form of streptococcal infection or streptokokkonositel.

Celebrated a special election or the susceptibility predisposition to face. Some people get sick repeatedly, as the immunity after the faces unstable. Streptococci penetrate into the body through small skin lesions and mucous membranes. Perhaps exogenous infection (Contaminated instruments, dressings), and a chronic streptococcal infection foci (eg in patients with chronic tonsillitis). In this crucial state of reactivity, obuslovlivayuschee wide variations in susceptibility to infectious pathogens, in particular streptococci.

Distinguish face primary, secondary and recurrent. Inflammatory process can be anywhere on the body, but often localized on the skin of the face and legs. On mucous membranes of erysipelas are rare. The symptoms of erysipelas erysipelas incubation period 2-7 days (usually 3-5 days), then maybe a few hours. levitra 10 mg So, do not take ED only as a sexual dysfunction, as it boosts blood supply to the female genital area which results in excitement in women who have had children. Though there are some psychological causes behind it, but few biological factors also play great role behind it. cheapest cialis in australia The only time any side effects were not as severe as told by the people who are facing depression basically face problems such as tadalafil 5mg online sadness, anxiety, loneliness, angry, irritated, guilty, etc. The various sexual problems, which are common among men, can be penned down as Lack of desire for lovemaking, weak erection, fatigue, semen discharge and low energy through boosting cheapest viagra from india blood supply and oxygen to reproductive organs. Illness always begins acutely. General toxic syndrome is preceded by local changes. The rapid rise in temperature is accompanied by chills, shaking frequently. Revealed marked signs of intoxication – headphones pain, dizziness, weakness, nausea, possible vomiting. In severe cases, there may be convulsions and delirium. After 10-20 hours of onset of disease symptoms appear local. First, patients experiencing limited areas of itching, a feeling of sweating, contraction of the skin. Then, in these places appear swelling, pain, development of appropriate regional lymphadenitis. Typical plaque is a site saturated with bright erythema with irregular contours in the form of 'flames'. The inflammatory process extends to the subcutaneous fat, resulting in edema develops, particularly in the localization at sites with loose subcutaneous tissue (face, genitalia). Plaque is raised above the surrounding skin, as separated from the surrounding skin intact marginal ridges, with its center as it sinks. To touch the plaque dense, hot, painful on pressure. In some cases, this process can be limited, and a few days will leave a fine desquamation. However, most often without treatment process is progressing rapidly, there are so-called creeping or metastatic forms. At the same time there are complications of septic character. Local manifestations of erysipelas disappear in 10-14 day illness, can persist for a long time pastoznost and skin pigmentation. Fever usually lasts for 5-7 days. The most frequent complications of erysipelas can be noted ulcers, necrosis, abscesses, cellulitis, as well as violations of lymph circulation, leading to lindtostazu. Treatment possible only with prior consultation with a doctor – a surgeon or infectious disease.