Electronic Catalogs Generate New Market Potentials

With electronic business processes the course for a successful future Stuttgart, May 22, 2012 to the change of the mono-channel of the multi-channel to cope with, had to face the growing demands of the market many companies. Small and medium-sized enterprises through E-business and E-business standards set the course for a successful future and by providing electronic catalogues in BMEcat standard generated new market potentials for itself. Efficiency plays an important role. If there is no standard for data exchange, then suppliers must provide their product data the buyers in the desired formats such as Excel or access. This would mean that the same product data in different formats should be converted.

In practice, caused this in turn high time and monetary costs and complicated thus reading the data in the different target systems and the creation of files when the data providers. The problem of the different Data formats can be resolved by prescribes the BMEcat standard XML as Exchange format. So, different files, rather than standards from catalog suppliers catalog recipients must be shipped. Conclusion – who must create document only a XML and send, is a clear advantage. The products are advertised online and deployed virtually at the push of the button.

Delivering an online marketplace with an XML catalog is also guaranteed and may open an additional distribution channel for their products. The catalog must be deployed only once there. Customers, thus the buyers, get the required product information accurately from the market square. A unified communication with little effort for all participants is this relatively quick and easy to implement. The e-proCAT software offers the solution for deploying data format and BMEcat. e-proCAT multimedia can present digital product data data (photos, graphics, videos) and classification data in a BMEcat combine catalog. This electronic catalog provides to customers or on electronic marketplaces. The market-proven software e-proCAT from e-pro solutions GmbH helps create a healthy BMEcat compliant catalog for business partners, in respect of the BMEcat standard test routines in the program and on the classification of product data. On these and other issues in the E-business environment, classifications, classification societies eCl@ss, ETIM, proficl@ss, electronic catalogs to BMEcat, and electronic data exchange e-pro solutions GmbH offers free online events and videos for beginners. Further insight into the e-proCAT software under: