Domestic Policy

In this situation, the warning formulabamos allows us to Article 19.1 of Law 9 / 1983 of December 1, regulating the Andalusian Ombudsman notes that public authorities are obliged ea assistant, with an urgent priority basis, the Pueblo Andaluz Ombudsman in his investigations and inspeccionesu, just as Article 18.1 requires that een within fifteen days remitau. Formulating the Directorate General for Internal formal Notice that this lack of cooperation epodra be considered by the Ombudsman as hostile and numbing of their duties immediately making it public and stressing such qualification in its annual or special, where appropriate, Parliament of Andaluciau (Article 18.2). Likewise, the Organization and Functioning Regulations, Article 23.3 states that Elas attitudes that were declared as hostile or burdensome to the research work of the Ombudsman of Andalusia will be released publicly for it by inserting declarative resolution this attitude in the Official Gazette of the Parliament of Andaluciau.

Similarly, we consider it appropriate to transfer to the Minister of Interior, information on the proceedings in the complaint and on the situation created by the processing of the complaint file to take formal cognizance of it and adopts, as appropriate, measures to overcome the lack of collaboration that had been requested. Finally, we received the report of the Directorate General of Domestic Policy, as of November 26, 2007, we stated: First .- The Art 37.1.k of Law 2 / 2002 of November 11, Management Andalucia emergencies only powers granted to the Ministry of Interior to approve the Canine Rescue Unit of Prevention Services and Fire Fighting and Rescue in Andalusia, where no other legal or regulatory provision that permits to carry out the approval and recognition of a specific method for the formation of these units.