North America

Both judgments are wrong. The Chibchas are but one member of a large family of tribes that stretched in both directions of the Isthmus of Panama, and had representatives well in North America and in the South. The Chibcha language was much more widespread throughout New Granada at the time of discovery, of what subsequent writers have said. It was the general language of almost all provinces and occupied the same position with reference to other languages, Quechua in Peru. Certainly, most of the tribes of New Granada were recognized as members of this people.

"They were the Chibcha culture much more advanced in their neighbors …." In the last chapter did a quick painting of the customs of the tribes surrounding the Chibcha. Most of them had not yet come out of the wild, some were cannibals, one was a sodomite, another lived on the plunder and otherwise was extremely dirty and filthy, odious vices to the Chibcha, with whom neither one had affinities of any kind. The author does not read the earlier reviews, otherwise it would have seen that in none of them said that the language of this people, the most civilized of the New Kingdom, was the general of almost all provinces. It should make some appointments. We read in the Epitome of conquest, when it passed the discoverers Opon saws, "parescio have got where they wanted and was understood after the conquest of that land, though blind, not knowing how on earth they were, and also because languages with which an understanding with the Indians and had not, because the language of the Rio Grande is no longer spoken in the mountains, or in the New Kingdom is spoken in the mountains.