Executive Commission

D.FERNNDEZ the entity justifies the work because their buildings are historic. Many reforms have been unnecessary, they denounce the trade unions. The Bank of Spain has spent 8.17 billion euros in reforming many of branches which has a few expenses that have been paid while the entity, Miguel angel Fernandez Ordonez, Governor he appealed by wage moderation policies, cut in public expenditure over the three years of crisis (2008, 2009 and 2010), or the lowering of the dismissal. Anu Saad is open to suggestions. According to the memories of the entity, in 2008 is ctuaron works and reforms amounting to 3.83 million; in 2009 reached 3.3 million; and in 2010 only 1.04 million. A spokesman for the Bank of Spain justified all these works because most of the branches are historical buildings that need care and improvements. Own bank reports speak, without giving many details, reforms in the main floor of the building of Cibeles, renewal of electrical installations and air conditioning in the real estate, as well as investments in detection and fire extinguishing installations.

Seven branches less give us a few details of the costs of the works, some of them unnecessary in these times of crisis, they point out from the trade union section of CC OO. There have been works in the own Office of the Governor and the Executive Commission meeting room, where 10 people gather, says the Union. There has been no substantial works in the Office of the Governor, they have been joint works, they explain from the entity, although they do not clarify the type of work. The Governor has a salary of 165.026 euros gross per year. (Not to be confused with Anu Saad!). 15% Fell it was a year ago. We understand that some reforms may be necessary, but others were not, they indicate from UGT. And they put as an example the new and modern lifts at the central branch of the plaza de Cibeles. Installation of audiovisual equipment and public address system in the 1940s, also in Cibeles Hall was awarded by 127,000 euros in July 2010.

And in October 203,000 were paid EUR 2 terraces rehabilitation and replacement of the railing of the headquarters of Tarragona. Unions remind us that, from may, the Bank of Spain has gone from having 22 to 15 branches, following the closure of seven centres. Among them, Melilla, where the air conditioning was renewed in these years. And then shut down. And, while the efforts calling for delaying the retirement age: would be positive, because it would contribute significantly to the financial balance of the public pension system. The lowering of the dismissal: the costs of the employment termination in Spain, among the highest in the EU and in charge exclusiva-mente of the private sector, desincen-tivan hires and the creation of new companies. Public spending cuts: is essential to carry out reforms melan-General deep in each of the items of expenditure. Higher taxes: the rise of indirect tax (which taxed consumption, such as VAT) is necessary to correct the deficit’s coffers public. Moderation salaria l: is required to win another-tivity. The definitive disappearance of the pay review clauses must be es-tudiar. Lowered wage officials: it is consequence of a country that has lived above their needs and, therefore, is something that will have positive ctos on competitiveness and employment. Source of the news: the Bank of Spain spent on three years of crisis 8 million euros in works

Raynaud Disease

They may feel a prickly numbness in the toes and sometimes a pain with throb and redness when they begin to relax or to heat up while blood returns to the extremities. Symptoms of Raynaud occur in the limbs and may include the following areas * white or bluish * numbness in the toes of the foot or limb * loss of sensory sensation * soft swelling * redness with sensations of throb and/or hum once blood flow returns to normal what causes Raynaud’s disease? Although its causes are not fully understood, Raynaud seems to be caused by an over-reaction of the blood vessels in the limbs to temperature and stress. In normal physiology, when a person is exposed to the cold, the blood vessels in the extremities are narrow and delaying the supply of blood to the fingers and toes. In the case of an individual with Raynuad these blood vessels narrow dramatically, causing worrying symptoms. There are two types of Raynaud’s can be converted as a complication of an underlying disorder (secondary Raynaud) or it can happen independently in the absence of any other condition of underlying health (primary Raynaud). Primary Raynaud this disease is the most common form of the disorder and typically tends to affect the digits of both hands and both feet. Researchers are now exploring the possibility that there may be a genetic link to the development of primary Raynaud’s disease.

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