Chameleon Strategy

Of the Pharma speakers to the consultant – an inventory the pharmaceutical sales force faces the task to maintain its raison d ‘ etre as before local informant and supervisor of medical professionals in the face of a variety of alternative possibilities on the Internet. Joint Commission may not feel the same. A strategic option is to support practising physicians in their practice management. An inventory of the Institute for economic analysis, consulting, and development of a strategy (IFABS) to the experience gained with this approach shows that benefit both partners. In the framework of B2B Betreungsansatzen for surgeries a central role practice analysis, benefit both partners pharmaceutical consultant and practice teams. These show the experience with a tool designed specifically for field use, the benchmarking practice analysis. The questionnaire-based tool allows the instruments, measures, routines and behaviors of the entire practice management from doctor, to raise, employees – and patient perspective to analyze and compare with the expert group, as well as the best practice standard of practice management. The development objective of this instrument was focused primarily on a hassle-free integration into the daily work of Pharma speakers. Looking at the results of the work with these analyses, can be observed:? Consultants who have integrated the practice analysis as part of their work, advice on average 74 surgeries per year, per practice operating 27 vulnerabilities or optimization approaches identified in the Middle? the selected practices realize 56% of best practice standards, a year with their practice management before consulting the average 81% to address the identified shortfalls and implementation of possible optimizations. “? The Pharma consultants reported a contact reframing that directly results from the analyses with regard to their own activity: instead of the usual question: what do you have today new / interesting?” now reads on the part of the doctors: I got a question, a problem, can you help me?” This changing attitude is expression of a competence increase of the sales staff in the eyes of care doctors at the same time. “With the help of Valetudo balance impression of consultants can be four object: they achieve a significantly better positioning with their doctors, because your customer care quality score (CQS) is measurably higher than classic at” Pharma speakers. Further advantages are: better customer knowledge, hassle-free appointments, much longer contact times and intensive product talks on at the same time greater openness of doctors. These results often refute that by decision makers in connection with preparations distant”actions expressed fears the preparations information work would be too short, rather the opposite is achieved. Source: Klaus-Dieter Thill