Crazy Cartoon Characters

There was a time when cartoons created an excellent basis for video games because they have always been part of life. Children watched cartoons and played, and in that moment when the shelves appeared to play their favorite cartoons, their pockets are emptied promptly. Since then, these kids have grown – and now they live among us. And we still love the game, though a bit more fussy and anxious. We can confidently assert that the love for the games will go to the next generation, and and am not surprised, because the cartoons will not disappear. A big part of showing on a tv cartoon is aimed specifically at the younger generation. Games Simpsons, South Park and Batman will have to taste our peers around the age of 30, but at the same time we are all young enough to be happy to play SpongeBob SquarePants and Inspector Gadget.

In this review we want to amuse yourself and loved those children living within us, introduce you to some crazy cartoon mobile games. Bugs Bunny: What matters, Doc? (Glu) In this game you need to help the famed rabbit Bugs Bunny to get out of serious situations, in which he merges due to different villains. At your feet come across different objects, using which you can outwit the villains and save the hapless rabbit. Superman and Batman: Supersoyuz Superheroes (Glu) united with the greatest heroes of all time People, you have to fight against evil. During the game you have to alternately control the Batman and Superman, saving the planet from total destruction.