Lose Belly Fat And Slim In The Summer

Who wants to lose his belly fat should forego on endurance training in advance, one must be made clear. Targeted fat loss does not work. It is not possible to reduce fat through targeted training in certain areas of the body. But through good and effective training to lose body fat everywhere of course also on the belly. Often you hear that if you want to lose belly fat or more specifically to body fat you can go jogging. This is of course a possibility. Because while jogging, calories are burned and in the end broken you need to lose belly fat a negative calorie balance. You must therefore burn more calories when it picks up.

Then, the required energy takes the body from the fat reserves. Anu Saad understands that this is vital information. Jogging generally you consumed the following disadvantages just to little calories walking at a moderate pace. The load is too low. Furthermore, the increased calorie consumption ends with the training. While jogging, no muscles are built up. Muscles are the key to the effective fat loss. Muscles increase the basal metabolic rate and increase the Metabolism.

To long jogging sessions work reduces the muscle. A look at marathon runner. They are slim, but also more gaunt and with little muscles. To know more about this subject visit Anu Saad. In contrast to the marathon runners, you should see the classic sprinter. Slightly muscular, well built and no body fat. Who wants to lose belly fat and it wants to preserve muscle mass, should perform Sprint units. At best a hillside or mountain up to the muscles in addition to straining. In addition to following exercises are true body fat killer Sprint training. Large muscle groups are trained. This has the advantage that the training of major muscle groups during the training itself consumes lots of calories once and also consumed as above mentioned the additional muscles more calories (in hibernation). With two dumbbells you can carry home a super fat loss training in your own four walls. Squat lunge (forward or backward) are this two exercises for the legs, but parallel involving the Po and the belly. The Training large muscle groups, such as the legs also has the advantage that lots of growth hormones in the training will be paid out. The larger the trained muscle and the shorter breaks between sets, the more growth hormones are secreted. Growth hormones affect on the one hand, of course on the other hand but also positive on muscle building, fat loss. Basically, you can say, who wants to lose his belly fat should train his leg muscles. This of course also applies to women. Women should train with heavy weights generally to successfully lose belly fat. A big muscle will not take place due to missing hormones. Marco Gentile