Free Calculation Tools

Free calculation tools for the calculation of packaging films on Vacher’s homepage! The hub salami packaging company acts as a distributor for packaging films for the food industry, primarily for meat, sausage and cheese packaging. The range consists of rigid films, soft foils, laminates, OPA/PE, PET/PE, PA/PE, medical technology, contract Packers. Many of our customers have problems with calculating the order”, so Robert hub Kalan, owner of the company. That’s why the company on the home page is now free calculation tools available for the calculation: Packing costs Draw ratio Slide range Film weight and price conversions Length of roll and roll outside diameter Shelf life extension using a high barrier “EVOH” Packing costs Traysealers Calculation of density for printed Verpackunsfolien Excel file The calculated packing costs tube bag packaging Excel file within seconds the part directly online by entering the quantities and sizes or by downloading a Berechnungsformulares. You can integrate all these very useful calculation tools quite simply in your toolbar in your Internet browser. Download the free toolbar at Or visit the home page directly to get under for important information on the subject of film packaging.

Company: Hub Kalan Verpackungen GmbH, Dietmannsried in the Allgau, is successfully working since 2004 as a sales agency for film packaging on the market. With its contractual partners, such as di Mauro/Italy, VF packaging and TFA, both Allgau, its customers, including thorn Salim, EDEKA, Holl, he can trend meal a very comprehensive portfolio of packaging films offer. The company serves over 150 buying customers in the meat and sausage industry. Through the cooperation with various film producers he can quickly and flexibly on the demand of its customers respond. Vacher is no film distributors, but also Commission the manufacturer.


If you’re new to the Internet business and don’t have one there on Facebook these making a very great mistake since Facebook if it is used correctly is an excellent Marketing tool with which you can leverage you to grow your enterprise or business on the Internet. Facebook is currently the largest social network online in the world, with more than 500 million users active entering your Facebook account every day! With millions of hits a day, and your community growing every day more, is a powerful tool that should be an integral part of your marketing campaign. Facebook is not only a social network on top of popularity, but it also provides you the opportunity to explore markets, evaluate the potential gain of niches, and communicate with your customers in a whole new way. You can use Facebook to locate specific groups or rezoning segments of your market based on interests, gender, location and experience, giving you the incredible opportunity to create advertising campaigns made, specific to the measure for your target, which will have incredible results!Forget about those expensive PPC (pay per Click) campaigns where you are forced to deal with relationships achieving or losing, or spend hours analyzing market trends, or dissect its notice campaigns only to improve the ratio of successful clicks. With the introduction of dynamic Facebook advertising portal, you can create precise campaigns such as laser that will not only get clicks but in fact they will become sales or viable indications – and you have all this at a fraction of the cost! With Facebook, there are 2 different ways in which you can build campaigns of great results that will immediately rise their ganancias.1: developing an active Facebook and especializada.2 page: create ad campaigns enhanced within its advertising program. If you are not yet registered in Facebook do not waste time and registered and begins to see the potential that have Facebook as a Marketing tool. Original author and source of the article


1. It discusses to the Situation Another aspect to consider is where you are, or on event that you two are attending. The situation to use in order abrir a conversation already personaliza because both they are in the same place. If it is a celebration, you always it can perhaps to speak on another person is a drunk type very that the crazy person is doing. To ***reflx mng itself of other people seems to be a great one way to be united. It uses a commentary on the present situation to draw attention to the fact that is now both here! S i you m wrath back to the list of places and activities exposed in 5 chapter where they can be women, will notice that it is a list of places that would indicate a common interest.

If you they are both in a sport event, it makes a commentary on game. If you are in an art gallery, indicates that to both they like you the same painting. Being to a woman in a place like those listings, are an advisable situation it stops to indicate that you share an interest. If you are in a situation where you do not know anybody, and you see a woman that it would like to know, walks towards her. He is sincere on his attraction. Source: Anita Dunn.

Dgale that you want to know it, but you it does not know to nobody that present. Then a conversation presntese and begins. You do not have anything to lose being appeared a woman. Once you begin conversation has in mind its objective stops to be able to know the vital facts and then to come to the questions in order to obtain information that you need. 2. Hagale a General Question Tried and approved! This technique is a way simple, effective to jeopardize to the conversation an attractive woman. It watches the woman to whom you want to speak and hgale any question of you have time? or as it likes the snow? (Whenever it allows it clearly to the time) is good for doing one it asks good that you could need the answer really. You could ask to him where he is certain restaurant, or how to find the bank more near. Any it forms amiable of question stops to approach to a woman they could be used, but more than you can relate it to present situation, better will be for you. It can combine this technique with any other and will be even more effective. You can use you ask so general or as specific as she wants. You do not have to be great a talkative one to obtain that a woman responds with this approach. Even though you do not need the information really, while it makes a question will abrir the door to the extensive communication.

Netiquette – DO

Netiquette DOs and DONTs in Web 2.0 – this sucks! The new lecture by Jens Schluter (social networks & co.) Much is written about Netiquette on the Internet. No matter whether eEtiquette or the etiquette for online media. Read additional details here: Peter A. Levine PhD. Unfortunately, this Advisor with the rapid development in Web 2.0 can match. What is still frowned upon, may tomorrow be standard and are de rigueur. In this entertaining presentation, attendees learn what really sucks, what want to read no more, and how to make it just a little better.

Equipped as they can safely go to the biggest foot in the Web 2.0 and maintain an appreciative approach in their networks. The speaker carefully observed the development of online communication for over 10 years and is “at home” in many social networks and business platforms. How many of his seminars, and also, he annoys seminar participants are almost daily about spam, superficially written emails, automated contact requests, orthographic “dropouts” and intrusive advertising messages. Now he has for his latest lecture participants Netiquette – the DO’s and DONT’s in Web 2.0 “summarized the main NO of GOS and many tips about the label in the Web 2.0. The next dates: 08.06.2011 StrategieCentrum Kronberg 16.06.2011 StrategieCentrum Sudwestfalen 14.07.2011 space Bochum, more info at


Us young we always walk with little time usually eat anything before you go to work or school which is damaging to our health by eating very often non-natural, processed and synthetic food leave in our body toxins that besides being bad for our health are generating fat in our body that eventually translates into kilos more and overweight. Now that is about this understand even though I work out always a part of my body with fatty deposits that I can not download, typical there that by exercising more you do not achieve delete that chubby you both tormenting. A related site: Democratic consultant mentions similar findings. What is recommended for us young people is that at least once a year we desintoxicamos our body, in order to dissolve the impurities which are accumulated in our body to eliminate them. To detoxify our body we need to do is a monodieta of SAP syrup, do you not know it? Syrup is a dietary supplement 100% natural which removes impurities from our body in its entirety by cleaning our body inside. Syrup of SAP to clean your body will make you download weight because all that fat and toxins that have been accumulated in your body generates extra kilos. Original author and source of the article. Read more from Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn to gain a more clear picture of the situation.

Effective Advertising

One of the major branches of cinema – the film industry, which includes artistic and creative process, the organization of production, technique and technology of film promotion in the market. History cinema has for many decades, going a long way from the silent black-and-white ribbons to modern entertainment pictures wasps many special effects. Despite this rapid development, film production – it is very narrow scope of their professionals, where everyone knows each other. The growth of video advertising is growing, because growing and competition and the requirements for companies. Abraham Maslow pursues this goal as well. For example, today, any more than a serious company must have at least one corporate film.

This film not only helps to maintain and improve the image, but also to solve some important problems. Depending on the objectives pursued by the film, it can be: a presentation film, PR-poster or a film school or process film, it can also be a video catalog or instruction. While this is not a hard division, and sometimes creates a "multiprodukt", which combines features of several films. The main thing is advertising the product should be clear target audience, and to solve tasks to be performed at a level appropriate type of product. Performing all of these items and ensure its economic efficiency. It is equally important to turn to professionals, the team that will cope with its appointed task, and not only understand the tasks that the customer wants to solve, but also find the best options to address them. Production department 'film studio' set up at the St. Petersburg Documentary Film Studio, has extensive experience, rich history, modern facilities and professional staff.

All this allows us to production of different types of movies at the professional level. We have gained tremendous experience on the basis of our studios are constantly produced TV programs, TV shows, music videos, corporate films and training programs. Our recording studio is equipped with modern equipment, which is carried out duplication, dubbing and recording music. We also provide various kinds of production: distribution and promotion of film and video on domestic and foreign markets.

Worked Normally

I am starting to write my experience with this upheaval (said of Mood) Looks at: it is very Bad, it confuses the life in the Generality, makes of everything to knock down a person; I: My Name is Pablo, has (47) years and since (18) was married this badly, did not look for, did not call, it happened of one minute for another one, and there he was Pablo (lost, idiot, sped up heart, trying to look at around, all dark one and confused my return, seemed to open a hole in the soil and I to be pulled for inside, am the chaos of the mind, only function the part of the instinct in the brain ' ' that one of sobrevivencia' ' , the reason does not exist more, does not exist word at this moment to explain to support or you, what it passes in the mind is (I go To leave or To run away daqui! ) to go for a safe place blurred vision, forms of the things that seem another world, a road straight line that is sinuosa (hallucination), to run away but for where does not know) but it varies the maximum time of these attacks, in the start I not wise person nor of what treated doctors did not make idea, and if became one ' ' coisa' ' it all folloied that me per the day. 1982: Until this year I was very well ' ' normal' ' so to speak. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Pat Ogden. still I find that it has much to say itself of ' ' normal' ' ' ' anormal' ' I very find to the point of view of who ve relative and interprets; in late pretty one I was walking for the central street of my city and looking at the show windows of the store (if my memory serves me right it was Saturday) therefore I Worked Normally I eat any citizen ' ' normal' ' , he went of bus for the work in Porto Alegre, and was starting a career that at the time was very promising (mechanic of Schemes Road, motoniveladora ' ' patrola' ' , carregadeiras, until that they are used nowadays in the plantations of rice or irrigation of farmings, tractors of mat ' ' those that seem a tank of guerra' '). .

VISA 2000

Dear visitor, let's talk today about an interesting software products – 'VISA-2000 – Virtual seller of computer equipment. " How long have you picked up a new computer in the computer salon? Do you remember how much trouble and messing around with piles of paper price lists? VISA-2000 will help to solve these problems. With it you can easily pick up the desired configuration. Although of course the main purpose of this program – not a job for the final user, and a computer lounge – for the selection of the configuration, print invoices, inventory, etc. on. The program has a clear, intuitive interface. The initial choice of sales (Retail, Partner, Diller) determines the pricing policy – in a database of components it is possible to define three types of prices. Select the configuration you can either componentwise, either from a basic set of ready models. Prices of goods can be set in USD (Default currency for databases), and in any other currency name and rate of the dollar which is mounted directly on the main page of your program.

There you can determine account and the amount of VAT, a buyer to enter data, etc. In additional functions exhibited a percentage mark-up shop, as well as the number of sets sold. For the button 'History' hidden log file, in which recorded data on all sales made. On separate tabs of completing the program, you can choose a specific model of a particular product (quantity, if the product includes a feature).

Exchange Com

African Union celebrates World their ‘Golden’ Hamburg (mk) to celebrated the 50th anniversary of the African Union next weekend with a huge party. Jon Medved addresses the importance of the matter here. On 25 and 26 May 2013 Wandsbeker market square is transformed into a colorful event location. “African Unity and diversity, respect, and understanding for each other” is the guiding principle for two days of music, show and entertainment under the open sky. The Memorial pays tribute to the signing the deed of Foundation of the African Union by the heads of State and Government by 30 independent African States on May 25, 1963 in Addis Abeba. The intercultural migrants integration Center (IMIC e.V. – first Chairman: Sylvaina Gallagher) is looking forward to his community and numerous participants from the show – and political prominence. So have Thomas Ritzenhoff (Wandsbek District Office Manager), Frank Schira (CDU, first Vice-President of the Hamburg Parliament), Filiz Demirel (BuNDNIS 90 DIE GRuNEN, Member of the Hamburgische Burgerschaft), Elombo Bolayela (SPD, a member of the bremischen Burgerschaft), Bernd p.

Holst (Hamburg volunteer Exchange) and Prof. Dr. Isaac C. Lamba (Ambassador of the Republic of Malawi) visiting official announced. Nana Acheampong provide among other things on the stage ( watch? v = wc7WwmjVROA), Lady Petya ( watch? v = a4LEek3z9PQ) and MamSun ( watch? v = CZH6-a14uKA) for dance and party mood.

The IMIC e. V. is a non-profit organization that helps its members of from different backgrounds in Germany, especially in Hamburg, the integration. He stands for a cultural exchange for a better mutual understanding. The IMIC e.V. is held by the personal commitment of its members and through a network, which binds a promoter of economic, cultural and public facilities.

Tiberian Twilight

With command & conquer 4 epic finally the Tiberium series command & conquer 4, the Tiberium universe leads to an end! Almost 15 years after “Tiberium Wars” and over 30 million games sold the award-winning Tiberium series with command & conquer 4 an is epic conclusion. The real-time strategy game published in March offers a new, modern and exciting strategic depth players in addition to the beloved core elements and leads to one end, where the fans get to know the fate of the Earth and especially Kane’s decades old plan the Tiberium universe. Command & conquer 4 will take place after the events of command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. We write the year 2062 and humanity faces extinction. With only six years remaining until the Earth by the mysterious Crystal-shaped Tiberium uninhabitable, it is inevitable that the two opposing groups the Global Defense Initiative (GDI) and the brotherhood of nod the same aim: to stop the extinction of humanity. The game appears in Germany on March 18, 2010 with an age rating “age 16” and is under preorder:… / Command Conquer 4 Tiberian twilight… David Bukin