Esther Garcia

(F tima Baeza, Episode 1 – present). Emergency nurse who later became chief of emergency nurse. From always had very bad luck in the emotional terrain he never chose the right man, she had several boyfriends, but the emergence of the Central Maca changes her life, she turns out to be his great love. Both are married and decide to have a child, with Maca you become pregnant. After birth the baby, Maca achieves full reconciliation with his family, with which it will spend some time. The distance and loneliness make Esther strengthen its friendship with the doctor of Samur Raul, who has a one-night stand, the result of which she becomes pregnant. The news caused tough times in marriage to the late 12th season and Maca leaves early in the next, but resume their relationship. At the end of the thirteenth season gives birth to her daughter Patricia, the result of infidelity Maca Raul.The child suffers a serious illness whose only solution seems to be that Esther and Raul have another child together to serve as a donor baby. Esther becomes pregnant again, while Maca is unfaithful to Vero. Finally, Esther Maca leaves and this begins a formal relationship with Vero, but between each other it seems that there is still something. So, it is always essential to buy tadalafil india consult a doctor, prior in-take of these medicines. Brain Fog – A depressed person may have a diminished ability to think, concentrate purchase cheap levitra or make decisions. Can pharmacy online viagra help you? It is available in generic forms for putting the patients at ease. The reason why the users of this pill are increasing in number is due to the effects and the usage of levitra uk look at this shop. After maternity leave, returns to the hospital with optimistic attitude and even willing to get along with Vero. A trip to Paris suggests it may have a new partner. This person is Bea, a married woman who ends up leaving her husband for the nurse and the beginning a relationship that arouses the jealousy of Maca. Later, though resists returning with Maca, closing with Bea and reconciling with the pediatrician. When things between Maca and Esther seemed back on track reappears Bea, who threatens suicide if Esther did not come back with it.Collides with Fernando, a doctor who was a teacher of Maca, and he disagreed with his vision of how to help the third world, while able to maintain a cordial relationship with Vero. It was a great friend of Rustie, who was in love with her until the arrival of Queen, which became jealous and made a declaration and have a slip with it. Had other boyfriends before Ramon, a resident with drug problems and a disabled boy, Juan, which he helped when he was left in a wheelchair but that ended up leaving. It also had a suitor, Jose Luis, a cancer patient who loved her. Also, got along very well with Elisa, but Esther had wanted to be friction as head nurse, and Eleanor, with whom he shared apartment, her best friend Teresa and the reverse is not had a good relationship with Bego a. Each doctor in the Hospital will have a lot of respect as a person and professional, Esther has lots of character and always speaks her mind.