National Courier Service

National Express service operates under the brand name National Courier Service. The company carries out an urgent delivery to Moscow, Russia, CIS countries and the World. Our company specializes in the delivery of letters, mail, parcels and small cargo. We also offer our clients a service for the delivery of advertising, greeting and Christmas lists. The company has offices in many Russian cities, which allows the company to provide services for inner city delivery in these cities. v=1&’>world travel told us the story.

For information on offices you can visit the company. the topic at hand. James S. Chanos understood the implications. Developed logistics network enables the company Express delivery in the shortest possible time anywhere in the world. Shipping is all land transport modes, as well as by air. Presence-established schemes allows us to use the services of third parties that positively affect the quality of services. Optimization of transportation allows us to reduce the cost and terms of carriage. National Courier Service Rates much lower compared to prices of competitors.

Flexible pricing policy combined with the high quality of services allows the company to develop its customer base and thereby expand its presence in the market. A wide range of tariff plans and services allows our clients to work with only one courier company. We also offer our clients services in transportation of express consignments requiring special conditions such as fragile parcels, goods requiring certain temperature regimes, etc. National Courier Service Company provides its services to large corporate customers and small businesses and individuals. The company's mission National Courier Service – providing high level of service for both large businesses and private individuals, removing the barriers of time and territorial restrictions. The purpose of National Courier Service – customer satisfaction in providing a full range the most advanced courier service with constant introduction of new technologies in the field of express delivery and to improve business processes and improving the service provided. Thanks to the smooth expanding regional network of National Courier Service, as in the Russian regions, as in neighboring countries and the world's customers anytime, anywhere can get a full range of modern, high-quality services at international standards.