Professional Area

At the moment the humanity lives a chronic feeling on dissatisfaction, is for that reason that we resorted to manifold satisfactores is material, mental and emotional to feel us but plenary sessions and satisfied but without great results. If ways exist to go beyond all this, knows here like. The Personal Identity. Many of professionals of conduct we know that to less identity personal more disturbances emotional, that is to say while less I know the one who, to where I go and so that, but am felt of inner vaciedad. For that reason it would be worth the pain to pause in the crazy routine of life and to answer these questions: Who I am? , To where I go? And Why. It can be difficult to be very clear with respect to the answer of these questions but creme that is worth the pain to do what it must make to manage to respond with all clarity and to your whole satisfaction each of them, otherwise will be followed in the sensation of inner vaciedad, to be living the life without sense.

The twelve Areas of Human Hacer. After answering these questions or in the worse one of the cases have yes not been able to respond to them to whole satisfaction I recommend to reflect in which I have called the Twelve Areas of Human Hacer: Each of these areas corresponds to an area of human interest 1. – Emotional Area. 8. – Sexual area 2. – Area of Pair. 9. This lead to buying cialis browse now an increased demand for this product due to increasing demands of the males with erectile dysfunction. Too much fats in your body can restrict the blood flow to the brain, develop clots that clog buy viagra the arteries or even burst an artery. Let’s discuss some of the reasons viagra wholesale uk which can lead to erectile dysfunction. The reality is lots of online pharmacies without having commander cialis prescription from a healthcare provider.

– Relational area. 3. – Area Economic 10. – Area of Importance. 4. – Professional Area. 11. – Area of Knowledge 5. – Area of Family 12. – Spiritual Area 6. Area of Health 7. – Area Social All the human interests are included in this wheel, that is that taking care of each from these areas total own satisfaction, and fjate that I say, total own satisfaction could be said that our life will be full of well-being and fullness.