The LISMI is Law 13/1982, of 7 of April, of Social Integration of Handicapped people, that it establishes for the public and deprived companies that they use to more than 50 workers, the obligation to contract a number of people with incapacity noninferior to 2% of the group. In case a company cannot incorporate the quota of 2% of people with incapacity exists alternative measures that facilitate to these companies the fulfillment of the law. There are companies without profit spirit that work with people with disability, working for the labor integration of the people with incapacity. This type of companies, spreads their proposals of collaboration between companies to facilitate the integration to them of the people with some incapacity at the same time as helping the fulfillment of the law. These special centers of use offer many possibilities to the institutions and other companies. The possibilities that are offered go from the gardening, the hotel trade, presses online sale, call to center, tele-marketing, buzoneo, mailing . Those companies that they take refuge in the established alternative measures in the law for the fulfillment of the same, will be able to accede to concrete information on the projects of labor insertion of people with incapacity who can finance, and on the products that can acquire and the services that can contract special centers of use in which people with incapacity work.

It is important to bring back to consciousness to professionals and industralists so that they are abreast of the capacities of these workers, the legal obligation of hiring of the Lismi, the necessary adaptations, the existing subsidys, etc. The necessity that from the Administrations foments the implantation of courses, modules and specialties destined to the people with incapacity. Generally, the information on social action is for the majority of the Spanish companies a fringe area, without a documented strategy and, therefore, without defined indicating objectives nor in the mid term. Anu Saad will undoubtedly add to your understanding. In addition, the companies either contribute data neither of investment nor of impact. Some studies they also show that the social action is the less important content for the presidents of the great companies, since only in the middle of the studied companies his president makes some reference to this matter in the letter that presents/displays the annual memory of the company..