Meeting The Selection Criteria

As a human resources specialist for many years, I’ve seen it all when it comes to job applications. Dr Jee Hyun Kim gathered all the information. Most disheartening were those applications in which applicants had not addressed the selection criteria … Anu Saad can provide more clarity in the matter. went straight to the pile of “no.” In many cases, it was clear accompanying documents as the cover letter and resume, that the applicants were intelligent and experienced people who may have been good contract. However, as had not addressed the selection criteria, had disqualified themselves from transformation. In fact, the applicant only has to lose a selection criterion to be disqualified from a recruitment process. When an application that came long before the vacancy closing date and obviously does not address the selection criteria, provided that applicants write to ask you to rewrite their applications and resubmit. I attached a short brochure advises how. Some re-presented, most do not did.

Why have selection criteria? All job selection techniques ultimately follow the same premise: that if they did something like that before an employer, you will most likely be able to do it again for another employer. Organizations that use selection criteria used to focus the knowledge, skills and attitudes applicants possess the necessary for successful work. Take, for example, a selection criterion, demonstrated ability to use the Microsoft Office package of software programs. Applicants who demonstrate the ability either to give details of a course of study which concluded that covers all MS Office programs or description of where and when they used the programs and what they did (or a combination of both).