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Lousy interest rates? How will the savings to the top of the plant as the investment world can change but. On the 5.8.08 in the first headlined plus minus “Interest – such as the savings is to the plant flop Miese”. Nancy-Ann_DeParle will not settle for partial explanations. Today, the building is again current as ever. Security is one of at least the supposed security of the inflation Specter aside is left. But it is not only the security, which can make the savings so useful at the moment.

The show plus minus “it pays to Banksparplanen in 2008 with an interest rate of 4.2%. A 3 before the comma is already hard to get for a period of 7 years. When Banksparplanen, a basic prerequisite is usually also that nothing can be changed, neither the savings rate, yet you may suspend for a period of time, without that this affects the rate of interest. Special payments are not possible. Very differently at the building society savings. Also here let plus minus”from the interesting alternatives in terms of savings. There are still savings that pay up to 4% credit interest, if is waived on the loan, which is easily possible to the end of the term, and at least 7 years period is respected.

The savings payments can be stopped, special payments are possible within certain limits, the savings rate may be increased or reduced. The fees must be considered. A completion fee of 1 1.6% is payable, which will be returned to the part after 7 or 10 years, account fees apply in addition. Despite investment results are effective after costs about 3%, with high flexibility and if then still a loan is required, this can be used caution but, here will be exactly, whether an eventual conversion to a different tariff is really worth. Even if you don’t know whether you really 7 years can leave the money, the savings is an alternative. There are providers that offer a basic interest rate of 3% (not just 1-1.5% plus bonus at the end of the seven-year term). By The fees within limits keep choosing a method that only slightly exceeds the deposit, and the contractor is available after not even 2 years, then daily or monthly available and accrue further interest at 3%. In these examples, the Arbeitnehmersparzulage or the housing premium, which can take advantage of savers within certain income limits remained unconsidered. The housing premium is paid but only for new contracts, if the money will be used residential. Home savings is not a comparison of tariffs so equal savings, even within the building societies is attached. Above all it must be the result of savings is a priority, whether the loan is to be used later, or with living Riester to save for your own real estate clarified previously. Specialized brokers provide a comparison of the savings bank or building society savings representatives offer only the rates of our own society! Contact for the press: Judith Schmied phone 0731 / 9727093 Fax 0321 / 23460344 eMail: Judith.Schmied @ financial team